Chapter 3

The value of strategic technology partnerships

Despite the advancing rate of innovation, new ERP solutions must be able to work alongside existing IT architecture. Here, again, the need for an evolutionary mindset is apparent, not only in terms of the technology but in terms of the digital partner too. Previously, new systems and solutions have been adopted as a ‘one hit’ application. As HSO’s Andy Venter states in the podcast, the technology must be made to fit around the organisation needs of each police force.

When choosing a partner for the digitalisation journey, leaders must think strategically rather than in terms of a single transaction. Modern ERP systems solutions grow and adapt with, and to, a police forcen organisation, scaling up or down to meet changes in demand. This allows for an element of futureproofing, thus extending the life of the ERP solution.

It is therefore important to ensure that partnerships are also evolutionary in nature, developing a cultural fit in which the supplier itself becomes a critical component in the police force. In ensuring this complementary culture is promoted, the ERP system’s potential can be realised, streamlining operations from the back office through to the constable on the beat. 

For a truly transformative ERP solution, a collaborative relationship is essential. HSO has a deep understanding of the value of developing these synergies. With a proven reputation for delivering outstanding value, HSO can become a trusted partner, embedding within a police force and adopting a consultative approach to ensure support is available whenever it is needed.

National Policing Digital Strategy

Our people must be at the heart of this digital transformation; they will be central in embedding new ways of working, embracing new technologies and forging new collaborations.” [5]