Chapter 4

Microsoft Sustainability Manager. The software module for your CO2 emissions

Measurement of emissions recording according to the GHG protocol

With the HSO project approach and the integration of the Microsoft Sustainability Manager into the existing system landscape, HSO has created a solution that enables structured data collection, processing and reporting.

  • The operational limits are set during the analysis of the emission sources of direct and indirect emissions.
  • The Sustainability Manager contains a standard set of emission factors. It is also possible to record organization-specific emissions that depend on a company's activities.
  • HSO supports a company in creating an emissions inventory by recording the emission quantities of all identified sources.

When transforming the data, the legal requirements are taken into account and a basis for Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions according to the GHG protocol is created and visualized.

The identification of activity data based on fixed assets and operating costs forms the basis for reporting according to TCFD.

Together with HSO, you can create your scorecards and the goals for more sustainable corporate management are set.

* Depending on a company's business, you may choose a third-party emissions data provider together with HSO.

The Finance & Operations System is expanded to include information to meet legal requirements

HSO relates emissions to monetary values

The basis of the emission factors and the relationship to inventory and activities are created in Microsoft Sustainability Manager. The regulatory key figures can be created through an outbound interface to the Finance & Operations System.

  • Sales KPI: The proportion of sales revenue generated by products or services related to economic activities that are classified as ecologically sustainable.
  • CapEx KPI: The proportion of capital expenditure and, if applicable, assets or processes associated with economic activities that are considered environmentally sustainable.
  • OpEx KPI: Proportion of operating expenses and, if applicable, assets or processes associated with economic activities that are considered environmentally sustainable.

The TCFD provides a framework for disclosing climate-related information. This makes it possible to adapt to your company-specific circumstances and challenges.

HSO supports you in disclosing information depending on the industry, size and type of company.

* Depending on the objective, additional TCFD KPIs can be implemented.

By implementing data in the BI system, we enable you to manage environmental influences.

HSO and Microsoft allows you to manage your emissions

Various new values ​​are becoming relevant in corporate management. HSO therefore advises you on expanding your BI reporting.

Within your existing BI reporting, we will work together to create a new overview of the information collected. The emissions scorecards and the goals in the Sustainability Manager are visualized here in monetary values.

  • HSO extracts the relevant information from the financial system and converts the data into key figures.
  • The TCFD KPIs are visualized and the direct impacts, combined with your capital expenditures tied to economic activities that are considered environmentally sustainable, become transparent.

HSO supports you in ensuring that your BI reporting makes the risks and opportunities of sustainability information within your organization transparent, measured and reduced.

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Learn more about ESG

ESG Reporting: Transparency and proof of your sustainability strategy

Now lay the foundation for the sustainability reporting requirement from 2024

ESG Reporting: Transparency and proof of your sustainability strategy

Lay the foundation for sustainability reporting obligations from 2024 onwards

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