Chapter 1


Unsuccessful CRM deployments are  unfortunately a common occurrence throughout the legal industry. According to Gartner and other researchers, approximately 70 percent of all CRM implementations eventually fail. The failure rate is likely higher within this industry as law firms face unique challenges not addressed by most off-the-shelf CRM systems. Of course, CRM success is a subjective concept with definitions that vary from firm to firm.

What one firm views as a successful CRM implementation might be different from another firm’s opinion. However, there are certain universal factors that can be used to gauge the success of a law firm’s CRM platform and implementation. Considering each of these factors will help your firm gain a better understanding of the success of your CRM system. They can also help guide your decision-making process if CRM transformation is necessary.

Remember, one negative or positive factor doesn’t often determine the success or failure of a CRM. It is important to consider all aspects of your CRM to determine its success. Each is important to consider when evaluating your current CRM or planning the implementation of a new platform.

Check the leading factors impacting your law firm's CRM success

Client Relationship Management (CRM) systems should help, but often—70 percent of the time, in fact—fall short because they aren’t equipped for the legal industry. What about your CRM?

  • Is it easy enough to use to ensure user adoption?
  • How much value is it delivering?
  • Is it equipped utilize your data to its fullest potential?
  • Does it effectively support business processes?