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  • Video: How to easily access contact details and call your top advisors from within Microsoft Dynamics 365 using the Teams integration

Video: How to Easily Access Contact Details and Call Your Top Advisors from Within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Using the Teams Integration

Take advantage of Teams calling within Microsoft Dynamics 365 with the click-to-dial integration

Easily access contact details and call your top advisors from within Microsoft Dynamics 365 using the Teams integration

First. I’m going to build a quick little call list, and I’m going to narrow down my list to just those folks that are in Ohio. Now I’m going to narrow this down a little bit further and only personally call my top tier advisors. I’ll select the top tier, number three is there.

Now I have my call list and I’m going to start to smile and dial. I will open the detail records so that I can take a look at the individual’s details before I start placing those calls. I can see just standard information here, plus anything along the lines of, who knows who, notifications, etc. You can look at these additional details.

I can look at the Dashboard; see how they’re doing.

So now I’m just going to start dialing the phone.

Once it dials the phone and makes the connect, I can start to enter in my notes, “Hi, Andrea. Calling about the HSO mini bonds for Q4 and bottom line is they are fantastic. Awesome. Glad you agree.”

Now I’m going to go and start dialing my next individual. Go to the next call. Take a look at any details, hit dial, and now I can enter in new notes here, all about the HSO mini fund.

So that’s how to very simply and easily have click-to-dial, through Teams within Microsoft Dynamics 365.

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