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  • Video: How AI is Unlocking Efficiency in Institutional Asset Management with Microsoft Copilot

Video: How AI is Unlocking Efficiency in Institutional Asset Management

With Microsoft Copilot

In the high-stakes of institutional asset management, every minute counts. That's why we are excited to present Microsoft Copilot, a groundbreaking solution that will unlock your firm's efficiency through the power of AI and self-service.

For endowments, pension funds, and sovereign wealth funds, the quest for the best investments is relentless.

But is your firm's time being optimized, or are you losing business because you're not responding to Requests for Proposals (RFPs) swiftly enough?

The harsh reality is that traditional RFP response methods are not just time-consuming—they're also often fruitless, with a meager success rate hovering around 45%. The time has come for a strategic shift. It's time for Microsoft Copilot.

Microsoft Copilot: Your Strategic AI Advisor in Asset Management

Key Benefits of Microsoft Copilot for Institutional Asset Managers

Copilot is designed to serve as more than just a tool—it's an advisor that understands your firm’s unique strategic needs. It reads, analyzes, and distills RFPs, sharpening your focus on those that align with your fund strategies and investor goals. This isn’t about just keeping up; it's about staying ahead.

Can your firm afford inefficiency?

Microsoft Copilot doesn't promise to win you the deal—no tool can. However, it does promise to make your firm significantly more effective at deciding which opportunities are worth your valuable time and resources.

In a market where timing is critical, and the margin for success is narrow, can your firm afford to be anything less than highly optimized?

Microsoft Copilot offers a strategic partnership that elevates your firm's efficiency, allowing you to reclaim the time lost in the RFP maze and concentrate on the deals that will drive your business forward.

Take the next step for AI with HSO

The opportunity to transform your RFP response process is here. Contact HSO today and find out how AI can be your strategic asset in institutional asset management. Don't let another low-probability RFP slow you down.

It's time to be strategic and efficient. It's time for AI and self-service.

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