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  • Retail - Ask the Experts

Retail - Ask the Experts

Our HSO Retail experts reflect on some of the challenges that our customers have faced this year and what the upcoming year has in store.

In the past, it has taken a decade, or even longer, for game-changing technologies to evolve from just cool new things businesses would like to have, to must-have business productivity drivers. The COVID-19 crisis has sped up the transition, in areas such as AI and digitisation, by several years. A McKinsey survey*, published in October 2020, found that companies are three times more likely than they were before the crisis, to conduct at least 80 percent of their customer interactions digitally.

Episode 1

HSO Ask the Retail Experts

In our latest Video, we asked some of the HSO Retail experts, Hector Hickmott, Business Development Director; Peter Sharpe, Enterprise Architect; Barry McKendrick, Head of Retail Practice; and Simon Sholl, Retail Consultant, to reflect on some of the challenges that our customers have faced this year, from a retail and consumer perspective, and how they anticipate these impacting the future.

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