• Testing as a Service

Testing as a Service (TaaS)

Build, test and release. Faster and better.

Testing new software (releases) is time consuming but it's essential in order to guarantee quality and integration of your applications. Traditionally, testing is being done manually, which takes up a lot of time and is prone to mistakes. With our Testing as a Service, we speed up the testing process by means of test accelerators and the use of testing automation. This means that new Microsoft releases, One Version updates and other new functionalities can be tested and rolled out faster.

Testing as a Service helps companies develop, test and release software faster and more reliably. You can save ample time and money with Testing as a Service if you don't have enough internal testing capacity or expertise. On top of that, you can benefit from scalable testing processes and faster time-to-market. Our approach is available for regression, integration and functional tests.

Testing as a Service: how it works

If you decide to use Testing as a Service, we will draw up different test scenarios. Next, we will translate these scenarios to automated test cases that will be executed according to plan. Insight in the results of these test cases are available in an Azure/DevOps dashboard.

Automatically execute testing scenarios

Before testing, we create relevant testing scenarios. Based on these, we expand on the test cases that we subsequently execute (outside office hours). In the morning you will be able to see a summary of the test results on your dashboard. Our test-, project-, or client team (for live environments) will investigate these errors in order to solve them.

Industry-specific testing scripts

We offer ready-made testing plans for specific industries, for example, testing scripts for the retail or manufacturing market. With these predefined scripts, we can significantly speed up the testing process.

Automated testing of a complex digital landscape

In the world of IT, people tend to view various applications and software as separate, while integrated testing is super important, after all, business processes are dependent on each other. That is why we execute end-to-end testing with Testing as a Service, which means we don't only focus on Microsoft software, but also on customizations, integration and other ISV solutions.

We ensure to test the complete platform, and make sure that all software functions smoothly from beginning to end. In short, our Test Management Services offer you a ‘first-time-right result'.

Benefits of Testing as a Service

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    Speed up the testing cycle and implement new releases, Microsoft One Version updates and other new software better and faster. The execution of a complete regression test can be done in only one night!

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    Cost savings

    You can save time and costs of staff, by outsourcing testing. On top of that, errors will be diminished by automated tests, which means that you will spend less money on repair works once the software is being released.

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    Quality control

    With Testing as a Service, errors are detected in an earlier stage, resulting in a higher quality of the (live) software.

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    Access to expert knowledge

    Benefit from our expert testers, who have profound knowledge of your industry, using the latest testing methods, testing tools and best practices.

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    The flexibility to easily scale testing capacity.

Interested in Automated Testing and Testing as a Service?

HSO offers Testing as a Service in various ways, fit to meet your needs and objectives. One of the options is a subscription as part of a Customer Success Plan (SLA).

Interested in Automated Testing and Testing as a Service? Don't hesitate to contact us! Our Managed Services Team is ready to help.

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