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  • On-Demand: Future-Proofing Operations - The Critical Role of Automation

Future-Proofing Operations: The Critical Role of Automation

Panel Discussion Webcast

Join the expert panel as they dive into the fascinating world of automation and its pivotal role in shaping the future of operations in manufacturing. Our panelists—Michael Gardiner (Microsoft), Jeff Hunt (HSO), Emir Dobraca (HSO), and the moderator, Ali Lajevardi (BDC)—share their insights, experiences, and strategies for navigating the ever-evolving landscape of business automation. From process optimization to change management, we’ll explore how organizations can harness the power of automation to drive efficiency, enhance productivity, and stay ahead in today’s market.

The panel discussion includes:

  1. Process Automation vs. Industrial Automation: Explore the distinctions between these two approaches and their relevance in modern operations.
  2. Business Case Overview: Understand the high-level rationale for adopting additional robotics and automation within organizations.
  3. ROI and Investment: Delve into the return on investment (ROI) considerations and why companies should invest in automation.
  4. Real-Life Success Stories: Discover examples of successful automation initiatives across different industries.
  5. AI and Balancing Automation and Human Expertise: Explore the delicate balance between automation and leveraging human expertise.
  6. Change Management: Discuss effective change management practices when introducing automation.

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