• Ondemand
  • Leveraging Your Experience and Relationships to Win More Work

Leveraging Your Experience and Relationships to Win More Work

View our on-demand webinar, presented with SMPS, to discover how to overcome marketing and business development challenges in AEC with modern technology.

Conquer your marketing and business development challenges with the help of modern technology. In this session, you will discover how to improve the two elements critical for success: leveraging your firm's experience and harnessing the power of relationships.

Your experience database is the heart of your marketing efforts, discover how to maintain and use your data more effectively. And as Enterprise Relationship Management (ERM) is transforming the AEC industry, you will gain insight into how to utilize this tech to allow business development to focus on what they do best.

This webinar, presented with SMPS, will help you maximize your potential for long-term sustainable growth.

What to craft more compelling project narratives?

Your experience and relationships are the heart of your marketing and business development efforts. As you present your experience to the world, do your project descriptions tell stories your audience wants to read, or do they resemble a yawn-inspiring technical manual? Your project managers and SMEs often think in technical terms, and it is our job as marketers to get the right information and tell compelling stories. After all, telling good stories can be the difference between winning a job or losing to someone who did.

We would like to share a questionnaire to help you structure conversations and ask the right questions to create compelling project stories. Download your copy below.

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