Video: Children International

Watch how Children International's strategic use of technology and strong partnerships are enhancing their operations and impact

For Children International, being data-driven is critical for success

Children International works with youth around the world, helping them with health, education, and employment, breaking the cycle of generational poverty. Since its founding 80 years ago, Children International has impacted the lives of 1M+ children and their families in 10 countries.

This global organization counts on partners in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the United States to deliver services in their communities and understood that being a data-driven organization is critical to success. While Children International had made great strides in this endeavor, old technology in the form of legacy, siloed systems and data tools were getting in the way.

The time had come to embrace new technology—the cloud, AI, and a people-focused platform designed for non-profits—so they chose Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit and partnered with HSO. Watch this video to hear their story.

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