Document Manager

Document Manager moves documents to Microsoft SharePoint Online, releasing valuable space in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 data storage.

People working together at a table in an office

Documents are replaced with links inside Microsoft Dynamics 365 so users enjoy the same experience when accessing their files directly.

Users of Document Manager enjoy the ease of uploading files through an interface that allows simple drag and drop, directly from within Microsoft Dynamics 365. An integrated control can be placed anywhere on forms to transform any form into a drop zone for files.

Document Manager is available for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement.



With Document Manager you are able to enjoy the functionality of: dragging and dropping of documents to notes in Microsoft Dynamics 365, storing documents in Microsoft SharePoint integrated within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 user interface, extracting of documents using Microsoft Attachment Management and using e-mails and appointments with attachments. A process can be initiated completely automatically when a note is added to Microsoft Dynamics 365.

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