consulting360: Drive Better Results for Your Consulting Firm

Optimize every aspect of your firm, from business pursuits through project completion and billing. We'll show you how you can do it with the right consulting software.

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No longer do firms that offer consulting services have to piece together disconnected CRM, PSA, accounting, and HR systems that limit their visibility and efficiency levels. With consulting360, you get a comprehensive and integrated consulting software solution that leverages the Microsoft tools your employees use every day. This unique solution, built to leverage the Microsoft cloud, has everything you need to run a profitable consulting practice:

  • Leverage your firm’s experience to win more new work with a modern CRM suite
  • Successfully manage client engagements and resources with a strong project management toolset
  • Confidently manage your firm’s finances with a world-class financial management solution
  • Find, attract, and retain the best talent with a powerful human resource management platform

Consulting software solutions for every facet of the business

consulting360 is a comprehensive marketing, business development, project management, accounting, and human resource management solution purpose-built for any firm that consults with clients.

Serving a variety of consultancy types

Management Consulting

In a business that depends on people, knowledge, and relationships, the right management consulting software will help management consulting firms leverage knowledge across the firm to identify and focus on key drivers of profitability.

IT Consulting

In the fast-moving world of IT, IT consulting software helps firms ensure their teams have visibility into data to keep client projects moving—and in the right direction, and they need the right talent and tools to meet the increasingly complex project demands they’re facing.

Benefits Consulting

In a fiercely competitive marketplace, benefits consulting firms can tap into the power of benefits consulting software to find new ways to grow the business and retain existing clients by increasing customer satisfaction and setting themselves apart.

Healthcare Consulting

Healthcare isn’t just rapidly growing; it is rapidly changing as well, with care shifting from hospitals to physician groups, remote patient monitoring, telehealth services, and more. Firms need the right healthcare consulting software to help them stay ahead of the curve while dealing with staffing challenges, shrinking margins, and increasing competition.

Hear it straight from a consulting360 customer

Eric Reading, Executive VP at Chemonics, a firm dedicated to improving communities around the world, had this to say about consulting360: "Dynamics will increase staff satisfaction, allowing employees to focus more on the work they’re passionate about, and in the end, we’ll provide the ultimate outcome: helping people live healthier, more productive, and more independent lives."

Harness the power of Microsoft

consulting360 is built on the Microsoft cloud platform, seamlessly connecting all aspects of your firm to create a unified experience. Leverage the power of Microsoft to drive automation and real-time actionable insights.

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