Advanced Field Service

We realize that to maintain a competitive advantage with your field service organization, you must accomplish more with less staff, while customers demand higher service levels. We understand your need to streamline operations when facing increased competition and cost-cutting initiatives.


Back end automation is one of the biggest drivers of revenue growth for field service companies. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service allows organizations of any size to deliver intelligent, world-class field service, managing all aspects of the end-to-end field service management cycle. Advanced Field Service offers significant additional functionality on top of Dynamics 365 Field Service in the areas of Case Management, Customer Assets, Agreements, Work Orders and Invoicing.


Case Management Integration

The integration between Cases from Dynamics 365 for Customer Service and the information available for customers in Dynamics 365 for Field Service has been thoroughly extended. Your helpdesk employees will be able to directly link a Customer Asset to a case and relevant details of the Customer Asset will become visible. If this Customer Asset is linked to an active agreement, the case will be linked to the agreement as well.


Interested in our Advanced Field Service Solution? We are ready to help.

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