Advancing Customer Self-Service with Power Virtual Agents

Elevate your customer and employee experiences while managing your costs with low-code, self-service solutions

Empowering Customer Service: Achieving Value and Efficiency through Strategic Self-Service Solutions

Customer service and support teams today are under pressure to deliver tangible value. But how? With budget and other constraints, that objective can’t be reached simply by throwing more resources at the problem.

The answer: Improve the customer experience while managing costs by investing in self-service solutions.

Why the shift to self-service?

According to studies, customers, as well as the companies they buy from and their employees, want more self-service.

Adopting a self-service dominant customer service strategy

Despite the desire for it, the majority of customers who start off using self-service channels end up abandoning them because they’re not getting what they need. Most companies simply aren’t good at connecting customers with the information they need in any channel, including self-service.

Customer service strategies need to center more around self-service—which requires the right processes and technology to back it up. But that can get expensive and complicated. According to Gartner, customer service reps say they need seven systems to do their job well. That's not a sustainable model.

Re-imagining customer self-service quickly and cost-effectively with low-code: Microsoft Power Virtual Agents

If you think you're facing a wholesale replacement of existing technology or processes, think again. This is where low-code tools like Power Virtual Agents change the conversation. Power Virtual Agents makes it faster and easier to transform customer self-service by:
  • 1

    Sharing the burden

    Respond to inquiries, complaints, and feedback quickly and efficiently, which frees up human agents to focus on more complex issues--a combination that maximizes resources and improves customer satisfaction.

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    Improving productivity, reducing costs

    Automate routine tasks like data entry, appointment scheduling, and information retrieval, enabling people to focus on higher-value tasks, improving productivity and reducing costs.

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    Enabling 24/7 availability

    Operate 24/7, providing access to support outside of traditional hours, improving both customer and employee satisfaction and loyalty.

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    Reducing response times

    Bots can route messages and requests quickly and accurately, reducing response times and improving communication efficiency throughout the organization.

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    Enabling engagement across channels and languages

    Engage with customers and employees in multiple languages across multiple channels, including websites, mobile apps, Facebook, Microsoft Teams, or any channel supported by the Azure Bot Framework.

Putting Artificial Intelligence to work with Microsoft Copilot

Power Virtual agents helps you take advantage of artificial intelligence (AI). Microsoft Copilot - available in preview - in Virtual Agents lets you point bots to public URLs to instantly start answering questions on virtually any topic:

  • Create entire topics from a simple description, including relevant trigger phrases, questions, entity, messages, variables, and other logic.
  • Add or update content in an existing topic, such as asking for additional questions to be added or updating existing nodes (example: providing message variations).
  • Summarize information collected from a user in an interactive, graphical Adaptive Card, with all the JSON for the card generated automatically.
  • Iterate over just part of a dialog—select one or more nodes to scope your request to that specific part of the dialog.

Showing the value of customer service

With systems and processes transformed and customer service running at peak efficiency, leadership needs to be able to demonstrate the value they are delivering. This can be challenging due to limited visibility and focus on the wrong metrics.

With the Power Platform, customer service leadership can develop metrics that focus on impact rather than effort and demonstrate the impact services have on organization-wide outcomes.

How HSO can help

Ready to transform customer service but don't know how to start? HSO can help! Armed with industry knowledge and Power Virtual agents, HSO’s experts can help you bring your vision to life quickly and cost-effectively.

Schedule a consultation

If you’re interested in learning more about how HSO's Self-Service offering or seeing how our team can help your organization transform with a low-code strategy using Power Platform, fill in the form below.

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Resources for organizations seeking low-code solutions

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