• Connected Field Service

Connected Field Service

Predictive & proactive service-first-time, every time.

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Manufacturing machinery and a person holding a tablet.

Is your company ready for Connected Field Service?

Today’s service teams are faced with increased demand, advancing technology, and an ever-evolving workforce. In order to remain competitive, streamlining your service operations is a must.

Do you have the right foundation to support the level of service your customers expect?  

HSO’s in-house field service solutions have the functionality you need to tackle field service challenges and be proactive. The flexibility and solid foundation of the Microsoft cloud provides the solution that fits your needs now with the option to expand it when you’re ready.

  • Improve first-time fix rates and customer satisfaction
  • Reduce service costs such as travel time, mileage, and vehicle wear and tear
  • Increase productivity of field technicians with mobile apps, Remote Assist and HoloLens
  • Provide timely and accurate customer and equipment history to field technicians
  • Identify and take advantage of up-sell and cross-sell opportunities
  • Provide proactive and preventative maintenance with IoT and machine learning

Solution Tour: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service

With a secure, cloud-based platform that you can trust, Microsoft is paving the way for manufacturers to strengthen and innovate in a rapidly changing economic climate. With Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service, you can leverage cutting-edge technology that can turn your field service operations from an expensive cost center to a digitally transformed profit center.

Look to the experts to go outside the traditional field service box

HSO brings more than software to the table. Our Field Service team has expertise in Microsoft and other technologies, as well as years of actual business experience managing field service organizations. They understand how field service works, its challenges, and how to make it better, which gives them the ability to innovate, building solutions that fit the exact needs of our customers, rather than relying on our customers to design their own solutions.

Advanced Field Service

HSO's Advanced Field Service extends the out-of-the-box functionality of Dynamics 365 for Field Service, improving the areas of Case Management, Customer Assets, Agreements, Work Orders and Invoicing. Improve first-time fix rates and deliver predictive and proactive service, before your customers even know there’s a problem.

Dynamics Advanced Field Service

Connected Field Service: 1-Day Envisioning Workshop

Envision improvement opportunities with Dynamics 365 Field Service by experiencing high-level demonstrations of the Microsoft solution landscape combined with insight into high-value use-cases. HSO's Envisioning Workshop for Connected Field Service (based on the Dynamics 365 Field Service solution) will take you through a series of stages of discovery and idea definition that will form the start of your Field Service solution roadmap.

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Connected Field Service resources

Learn more

An image of a construction worker climbing the phone tower

Microsoft is named a Leader for Field Service Management

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Product Offering

Mobile Field Service 

A unique integration of mobile workforce automation and a rich service management solution.

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Manufacturing machinery and a person holding a tablet.

Connected Field Service in Action

In this 30-minute guided tour, our field service experts take you on a tour of the latest IoT, mobile and remote assist field service capabilities and how connected field service can help your business avoid the costly, and potentially catastrophic, consequences of equipment failure.

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Manufacturing machinery and a person holding a tablet.

Wat bepaalt de toekomst van field service?

In deze (Engelstalige) podcastaflevering helpen HSO-fieldservicedeskundigen Max Dinser en Mike Hammons ons om enkele van de belangrijkste trends te begrijpen die de behoefte aan cloudoplossingen in fieldservice stimuleren.

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Artificial Intelligence in Service Executive Summary Research

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De belangrijkste field service trends om in de gaten te houden in 2024

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