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  • Industry Report: Why manufacturers are adopting new IoT and Smart Factory technologies

Industry report: Why manufacturers are adopting new IoT and Smart Factory technologies

Brenda Somich
16 août, 2022

Modern manufacturers are finding innovative ways to become more agile, resilient, and sustainable in today’s rapidly changing business climate. As a result, they’re increasing their investment in technologies such as IoT and AI/AR to drive a digital-first culture.

IoT Signals: informing latest developments and technology trends

The strategic application of technology and automated processes isn’t exactly a new concept – manufacturers have been integrating these things into their business models for several years. However, as manufacturing organizations continue to evolve, digital transformation initiatives are increasingly sweeping the industry by storm.

IoT Signals is a series of impactful thought leadership content curated by Microsoft to inform the community about the latest developments and technology trends in the IoT world. Drawing upon selected interviews and survey data from 500 manufacturing professionals across the globe, this report explores the driving forces of digital transformation and companies’ immediate plans and key challenges. We also delve into how companies see the roles of technology, process, and people in helping them accelerate their plans.

the numbers

Key findings

Some of the following key findings include:

Understanding the impact digital transformation has had on the manufacturing industry to date – and the potential impact it will continue to have – may help you identify areas of transformation within your own manufacturing business model.

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