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  • Delivering the Connected AEC Firm of the Future
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Delivering the Connected AEC Firm of the Future

Architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) firms face continually evolving challenges as they look to win business, deliver excellent projects, and optimize revenue. The ability to proactively address these challenges is critical to your success.

How does your AEC firm address complex business challenges? The answer is often through the strategic application of technology, like ERP, CRM, and collaboration tools. However, while technology plays a critical role in the effort, it’s just one part in a larger strategy.

To comprehensively address evolving business challenges – both now and in the future – AEC firms must focus on connectivity throughout the organization and all processes, ensuring that every aspect works in tandem toward strategic goals.

Building a Connected AEC Firm: 5 Key Components

In a series of blog articles, I share my experience and insights on the five key components to address when building the connected AEC firm of the future: Processes, Insights, Productivity, Relationships, and Tools. Following is a high-level look at each of each component. Be sure to click through to the individual blogs for a deeper dive.
  • 1

    Connected Processes

    Process optimization is a foundational and critical effort for any successful AEC firm. However, simply optimizing the steps in individual processes isn’t enough to address the evolving complexities of the AEC industry. To support the future of your AEC firm, it is just as important to create connected processes, or processes that work in tandem to support strategic goals while reducing the time and effort employees spend on manual steps along the way.

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    Connected Insights

    For an AEC firm, information is more valuable than almost any other resource. Possessing comprehensive and up-to-date insight into the status of a pursuit, ongoing project, or client relationship can position your firm to react to any challenge that may arise – or to seize any opportunity that pops up. Unfortunately, many firms struggle to maintain connected insights as information remains siloed across departments, or important data is lost in translation due to ineffective reporting capabilities.

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    Connected Relationships

    Your firm’s relationships with prospects, current and past clients, vendor partners and employees can have a significant impact on the future. Leveraging these relationships can help to win new business, provide better services or plan for the future.

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    Connected Relationships

    Your firm’s relationships with prospects, current and past clients, vendor partners and employees can have a significant impact on the future. Leveraging these relationships can help to win new business, provide better services or plan for the future.

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    Connected Tools

    It’s no secret that technology plays a key role in the success of an AEC firm. However, that isn’t to say that you should invest in technology just for the sake of having it. Instead, the most successful AEC firms of the future will take a connected approach to tools by focusing on creating a technology ecosystem that is fully integrated, optimized and connected.

Read more about connected processes, insights, relationships, and tools

Blog Series: The Connected AEC Firm

Learn More About Building the Connected AEC Firm of the Future

Building a Connected AEC firm isn’t always easy, but the benefits far outweigh the effort and investment. HSO ProServ is here to help you plan, execute, and maintain a Connected AEC strategy that supports your firm’s unique vision and goals.

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