• Event
  • Streamline your apply for it process for a smoother public experience

Webinar: Feeling overwhelmed by a never-ending flow of "apply-for-it" requests?

Discover how to streamline your apply for it process, for a smoother public experience

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September 25


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM





Countless local authorities and police forces struggle with a clunky, time-consuming process that frustrates both staff and applicants.

Imagine this: requests piling up, staff scrambling, and valuable time wasted on repetitive tasks. We've all been there. But what if there was a better way?

This FREE 30-minute webinar unveils a revolutionary approach to managing "apply-for-it" requests. We'll show you how to ditch the chaos and implement a streamlined system that saves you time, boosts efficiency, and keeps everyone happy.

In this webinar, you'll discover:

  • How to consolidate all your "apply-for-it" channels into one user-friendly platform. No more chasing down paperwork or battling departmental silos.
  • How to efficiently allocate tasks: Stop wasting time figuring out who handles what. Learn how to automate assignments based on urgency and expertise, ensuring critical requests get immediate attention.
  • How to eliminate frustrating back-and-forth emails and phone calls. Our system provides instant updates and progress tracking for everyone involved, keeping things transparent and efficient.

Quite simply, there is no better way of managing this painstaking, ye crucial, process, even with shrinking budgets.

register now


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