• Local Government

Local Government

Helping local councils meet community needs more easily, and more efficiently, by increasing the value from existing investments in Microsoft technology.

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Connecting communities and improving lives through Microsoft technology

Pressure on spend; Reduced income; a lack or shortage of skills; growing demand for services from an expanding population. Providing the support your community needs is a challenge. A challenge compounded when coordinating services built around excel spreadsheets and an assortment of legacy technology. But with the right mix, you can support the most vulnerable; create thriving communities; protect the public; support sustainability efforts. Here’s how.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 connects the services you provide directly with the public you serve. As a cloud-based technology, you can access systems remotely, and collaborate securely with your remote working staff, making it easy to direct resources and manage needs. For example, connecting Health Care workers or first responders via technology such as chat, call, video and photo sharing, into a single system, allows better decisions to be made faster.

HSO in Local Government

Helping Local Authorities connect communities and improve lives through Microsoft technology

Serving the needs of Local Government with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Local and Regional Government authorities face growing pressure to provide high-quality services and improved outcomes whilst contending with ever tightening budgets.

Constraints that together with increasing case-loads and administration, make it harder for your people to do their job.

To meet these challenges, your systems need to be easy to use, yet improve efficiency while cutting costs. You want your field and back-office staff to have the tools they need to serve your community, and to be more accessible. You also want a way to give your community a voice – to request services, support, and help. This is where HSO can help.

Seamless integration with other Microsoft technology such as Outlook, SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive, and PowerBI enables Microsoft Dynamics 365 to connect front-line workers and back-line support functions, with the people you serve.

An integrated relationship management, financial, and operations system provides real-time data, increased productivity and the ability to adapt to changing legislative and administrative requirements. This helps you tailor and speed up service delivery, with increased accountability.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides a foundation from which to deploy other technologies, and yet remain connected to.

How HSO serves the digital needs of Local Government using Microsoft Dynamics 365

If you're considering how to go about developing your digital services but don’t quite know where to start, or you have some capabilities but feel they need to be updated, our team can help you get started. We can help you understand the business case, align with your mission, define the best approach, and guide you to achieve your aims.

At HSO, our mission is to help Local Government organisations serve the needs of their communities more effectively, cost efficiently, and faster, by using Microsoft Dynamics 365 to connect an often fragmented set of services. Contact us today to start your journey to empowering staff to support the needs of the people in your communities.

Our Microsoft capabilities

Health & Social care integration – Local Government research paper

This year saw what was billed as a landmark moment in the future of adult social care: the publication of the government’s health and care integration white paper.

To see how prepared councils are for the integration of health and social care, HSO and the Local Government Chronicle undertook a survey to identify concerns that need to be addressed and support that councils need.

Read the research

Embracing the new digital 'normal' in Local Government

Discover why Covid has broken the fear factor around digital transformation and how Local Authorities have successfully adapted. Download this special report, for thought leadership, expert analysis and practical case studies about this critical moment for local government:

Arial view of a public space

How Local Authorities can deliver proactive citizen services

Whatever your biggest challenge, technology has solutions. If only new technology projects weren’t so risky. How can you reduce the risk? Before you start, your technology project must take your unique business needs into account. Its success depends on making two correct decisions...


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A bird's eye view of a group of houses

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Get more value from your investments in Microsoft tech

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