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  • Oksana Danyliak driven to reach her full potential HSO International

Oksana Danyliak driven to reach her full potential at HSO International

Oksana is powered by a strong drive to deliver the best possible business solutions for her clients.

Oksana Danyliak
Sr D365 Consultant | HSO International

"HSO will place you into a position that fits with your values. You just have to speak up.”

Depth and focus that provides results

Despite the challenges that come with starting anew, Oksana found a new home at HSO International as a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultant, serving as the focal point between clients and development teams designing customer relationship and enterprise resource management solutions. Before that, like many in the tech sphere, she studied software development. But she immediately sprung into a career as a consultant , applying her technical expertise to effectively address customer needs. Her confidence and ambition quickly put her on the short-list for lead roles, where she now is ultimately responsible for the quality of the project.

Oksana is powered by a strong drive to deliver the best possible business solutions for her clients and a no-nonsense attitude, but if you have a chance to speak to her, you will immediately see the qualities that make her fit to lead and develop strong relationships in a business environment. She has a unique ability to assertively show her level of expertise, while extracting the meaning behind your questions and providing thoughtful advice that she shares with us below.

Leveraging the power of diverse teams

Oksana emphasizes that the true value of diverse teams extends beyond quotas and internal work relationships. “A diverse team allows you to develop more interesting ideas and see a problem from different perspectives,” she offered. “This gives you more flexibility to deliver for international clients with different cultural sensitivities and business needs. In the end, it contributes to the overall success of every project.”

As far as achieving equity in the workplace, Oksana believes we should place value on individually achieved merits and a high-quality standard, supported by strong company programs in training, education, and self-development.

Despite what many may think about roles in a digital business solutions company, Oksana provides her perspective.

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Consulting & Technology

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“In the last few years, it has changed quite a bit. There is a lot of specialization, whether that is in technical, business-facing, or creative roles. Positioning within the company is not just plugging holes. They will place you into a position that fits with your values. You just have to speak up.”

Oksana Danyliak Sr D365 Consultant | HSO International

Reach full potential

Oksana knew she could do better, and so she went where she could reach her full potential. In 2019, Oksana packed up her toothbrush and her wealth of knowledge on Microsoft Dynamics and left her native Ukraine in search of better professional opportunities. But she was not displaced by a lack of educational options. In fact, she completed her Master’s degree in Kyiv, and earned multiple Microsoft certifications while working there. It was also not her job prospects, as she could have easily continued to grow in her family business.

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The key to success?

Considering her impressive resiliency and ascent to success, we couldn’t leave without getting Oksana’s perspective on how to maximize the value you bring to your company. “In the beginning, it’s important to practice your craft and show your skill by gaining certifications. Then you have to sustain this by constantly staying up to speed on software releases and best practices,” she said. But there are also external factors and soft skills she thinks are important. “The technical skills form the foundation, but you then have to know the competition, manage client expectations and take leadership responsibility to deliver on what you promised.”

When it comes to young women considering a career in tech, Oksana has the following big picture recommendations: “Pay attention to the roles and technologies that appeal to you, and find an organization that deals with what you are passionate about. Then, don’t be afraid to step up to the challenge,” she added. Confidence and resiliency are perhaps the most valuable characteristics to separate yourself from the pack, and she shares that she developed these by fostering strong relationships with her clients and showing her value to quickly earn their trust “And sometimes,” she said, “you have to realize that things don’t always go your way.” She may be right about that, but when you’re as well-prepared and driven as Oksana, the odds are definitely stacked in your favour.

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