• Employee Story
  • Moritz Glaser: Driving performance at HSO and ever evolving his career journey

Driving performance at HSO and ever evolving his career

Participation in helping to grow the CE (CRM) business in Germany is still something I really enjoy.

Moritz Glaser
Solution Architect

"I like the overall quality of delivery at HSO. I have been doing this for many years now and in my whole time at HSO we haven’t had a single project that hasn’t been successful."

This is not just my achievement

I joined HSO 7 years ago in March 2015. I was a senior consultant before joining and started at HSO as a senior consultant and then after a few years, I changed my role to become more technical as a solution architect. I was a team lead for 7 people for a few years, but I chose to focus more on delivering projects and focus on functional and technical positions on these projects.

Together with the Managing Director we have built out market position in Germany and this is not just my achievement. We started as 3 people in the German CE (CRM) team, now we are 35 people. When talking to people in my network and our competitors every relevant player in the market is very aware that we are delivering CRM projects on the enterprise in Germany which wasn’t the case 7 years ago.

There is a lot of possibility for everything

Participation in helping to grow the CE business in Germany is still something I really enjoy. There is a lot of possibility for everything for us to take part in, living and improving our project delivery overall and being bigger and better. We have a flat hierarchy and always very open discussions – you feel very valued and can speak openly.

If you deliver projects that are challenging or come with unexpected and expected issues, you can rely on the support of your colleagues and the company overall that if there is a difficult situation with the customer, we are constructive and collaborate to always find solutions going forward.

HSO Germany

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"I like working for a company that provides fair, high-quality solutions and projects while offering work life balance and supporting their customers in their transformations."

Moritz Glaser Solution Architect

I am very committed to the core values of the business; they are authentic in that they are something I have experienced too.

We have always been global and with the impressive growth the group has positioned themselves well in the market and at the same time has kept these values true. It makes me very proud for working for this kind of company.

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There is always potential for improvement

I like the overall quality of delivery at HSO. I have been doing this for many years now and in my whole time at HSO we haven’t had a single project that hasn’t been successful. I like working for a company that provides fair, high-quality solutions and projects while offering work life balance and supporting their customers in their transformations.

There is always potential for improvement and to always be evolving too. As we grow, we could make roles more specialised. I want to get more focused on my role as an architect and I have already started on that journey of improving my role and my daily activities.

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