• Employee Story
  • Meet Divya Singh who turns unexpected opportunities into Gold at HSO

Turning unexpected opportunities into Gold at HSO

With broad experience in Microsoft products, plus an uncanny ability to connect the dots and give our project teams direction, Divya is helping HSO create the innovative business solutions of the future.

Divya Singh
Delivery Manager | HSO International

“The culture at HSO is just amazing. You have the room to take the initiative and lead in making positive changes to the company.”

Divya Singh turns unexpected opportunities into Gold at HSO.

At HSO International we pride ourselves in our customer-first ethos. But we'd be nothing without our amazing teammates. Divya Singh has been with us less than 1 year, and she’s already making waves.

When Divya Singh left India , she wondered if she could find another place as rich with professional opportunities. After all, she had already seen quite a bit in her travels and her stint living in Singapore. But Divya’s affinity for challenging herself and her ability to understand people of different cultural backgrounds kept calling her abroad. Today, she’s accelerating growth at HSO International as a Delivery Manager, ensuring project teams are working in concert to deliver the most innovative business solutions to our clients.

Divya is humble, so she says that she has always been lucky to end up in the right place. But we know the real reason behind her success. She has a true gift for looking at the big picture, connecting the dots across complex projects, and crafting the critical roadmap that allows HSO teams to execute their mission. In our interview, Divya shared how she has found the perfect balance of professional challenge and personal fulfillment, and she dished out advice to other ambitious professionals on finding the perfect work environment.

Seizing the opportunity

Despite the enticing Mediterranean breeze that accompanied Divya on her former commute in Malta, she knew deep inside that she was meant for a more challenging and fulfilling professional environment. But she wanted to be deliberate with her choices, since she is well aware of the stresses that pursuing a high-paced career in another country could have on her family.

“Coming to HSO was not an intentional move,” Divya admitted, “but during an interview we had a pleasantly transparent and candid conversation. It gave me a peek into the company culture and made me want to accept their proposal.”

With her experience, Divya was perfectly positioned to help HSO grow, and the company offered her an environment where she could forge her own path to do so. “In my current role, I provide internal support, aligning the efforts of the Project Management team through resource planning, risk mitigation, and developing more robust governance practices,” she shared.

But Divya’s position as Delivery Manager will evolve and grow into the Project Management Office, offering more opportunities as the company expands.

HSO International

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“The culture at HSO is just amazing. You have the room to take the initiative and lead in making positive changes to the company.”

Divya Singh Delivery Manager | HSO International

Forging your own path

When it comes to choosing the right job, Divya stresses the importance of company culture.

“The culture at HSO is just amazing. You have the room to take the initiative and lead in making positive changes to the company.” Beyond that, for her it’s all about having broad opportunities and a supportive structure that enables you to succeed. “Everyone is aware of what’s happening on the field, but no one will micromanage you,” she added. “This gives you the chance to develop not just hard skills, but soft skills as well.”

Divya is happy and laser focused on succeeding where she’s been planted, but she still has ambition to keep developing professionally. “There are a lot of emerging teams at HSO. In the future I’d like to work towards roles in strategic growth and planning,” she shared.

Regardless of what she chooses, with her drive and business acumen, we are sure Divya is headed for great things.

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Development without growing pains

Divya is not afraid to speak her mind, and HSO is a place where this is more than welcome. In fact, it's encouraged.

With a 14-year-old daughter in tow, she wanted to ensure she could be there for her family through another international move. “I was very forward with the company and said I was not really open to travel at the beginning. For this stage of the role, they were willing to work with me on that,” she said. “Thankfully, my daughter quickly found a welcoming community here in the Netherlands and is settling very well.”

This freedom certainly extends into her professional life. From the start, Divya was given a lot of leeway and support in calling the shots. “HSO is a very flat organization, where your colleagues are always available and willing to help,” Divya said. “Management is involved in your development, but they really let you find your own way to execute. I’ve only been here 6 months, and they already place a lot of trust in the decisions I make.”

Even through demanding projects, she is able to strike a good work-life balance. “Of course, there are busy periods, but I don’t have trouble adjusting my schedule and being able to devote time to my family or work,” she said.

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