Meet Juan, Author and Innovator at HSO International

A published author and Microsoft industry thought leader, Juan is now pivotal in designing innovative solutions that boost business growth for HSO’s clients.

Juan Bravo Vargas
Solution Architect

“My driving passion is the opportunity to share my knowledge and make a real difference.”

From Microsoft trainer to HSO architect and published author

Juan had over 18 years of experience as an IT manager, implementing ERP solutions for companies in his native Chile. The more exposure he had to working with Microsoft Partners, the more he realised he’d like to become a Solution Architect. Always ambitious, it made sense to him to make that leap by working for one of the key players in the Microsoft system. And he knew that would mean a move to Europe.

Once there, he made his way into HSO, where he’s thriving today. By understanding and connecting HSO clients’ business needs and goals with the IT implementation team, he plays a key role in helping them expand their reach and impact.

He also brings with him over four years of experience as a Microsoft Certified Trainer, helping his peers engage with the technicalities of the Microsoft ecosystem in an easily digestible way – a role which led to him co-authoring a training book in 2023. Juan’s Becoming a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate book is seen as the go-to manual for best practice advice on Microsoft solutions consultancy and has led to him becoming a seasoned speaker on the international circuit.

HSO International

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NL Veenendaal

Consulting & Technology

Solution Architect Customer Engagement D365

Als Solution Architect ben jij gedurende de klantreis het inhoudelijke geweten en help je organisaties hun doelstellingen te realiseren. Jij lost complexe business vraagstukken op door de juiste vertaling en inrichting te maken naar technologie. Sterker nog: met Dynamics 365 overtref je de verwachtingen van de klant. Jij bent functioneel verantwoordelijk voor de implementatie van de integrale CE-oplossing. Ben je een ervaren Senior Consultant of Solution Architect en wil je vooroplopen met innovatie en technologie? Dan is HSO CRM Solutions op zoek naar jou!Jij stelt bij jouw klanten de roadmap op voor nieuwe projecten en zorgt dat er een solide, consistente en toekomstbestendige oplossing wordt ontworpen. Jij bent een sparringpartner voor het senior management en jij fungeert als spin in het web tussen klant, jouw technische en functionele collega’s en de projectmanagers. Daarnaast geef jij input voor de doorontwikkeling van branche oplossingen van HSO. Vaak ben jij ook betrokken en ook verantwoordelijk voor de realisatie van de oplossing. Jij vindt het daarom fijn om zelf ook in de klei te staan, om zorg te dragen dat jouw oplossingen worden gerealiseerd, de kwaliteit van de oplossing hoog is en de klanttevredenheid toe neemt. Jij hebt nauw contact met andere Solution Architecten, Lead Consultants, Projectmanagers en Accountmanagers om up-sell en cross-sell te spotten en proactief de klant en jouw (internationale) collega’s te verrassen met nieuwe kennis en branche inzichten.Jij bentEen ontwerper! Jij bent goed in staat om het bedachte en ontworpen applicatie landschap ook overtuigend te presenteren aan de klant (veelal IT-director, afdelingshoofden, key users architect, projectmanager).Een strateeg! Je bent een gedreven professional met een klantgerichte en stressbestendige instelling! Jij bent analytisch, creatief en communicatief sterk. Daarnaast geef je graag feedback en sta je altijd klaar voor jouw team.Een visionair! Jij bent van mening dat stilstand achteruitgang is en bent daarom altijd op zoek naar mogelijkheden om je kennis te vergroten. De kennis die jij hebt opgedaan deel je graag met je collega’s. Delen is voor jou vermenigvuldigen.

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NL Veenendaal

Consulting & Technology

(Senior) Consultant Customer Engagement D365

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NL Veenendaal

Consulting & Technology

Technical Architect Power Platform

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Using technology to solve complex business challenges

As an experienced professional with 18 years’ IT expertise, Juan believes that strategic thinking, excellent communication and problem-solving skills, and the ability to connect with people are key for success – as well as a deep understanding of technology. In addition, he adds: “It’s also essential to be adaptable and open to learning as the tech landscape evolves.”

He’s certainly found a home for those skills in HSO’s diverse Solution Architect team. With over 45 nationalities working together in the team, applying native knowledge and experience to local market challenges, clients benefit from a truly international offering. And Juan enjoys meeting and collaborating with them in person when he travels to the Netherlands HQ once a month from his Madrid home office.

The team’s collaborative spirit and commitment to innovation are truly inspiring.

Juan Bravo Vargas Solution Architect

A dynamic, inclusive and entrepreneurial culture

Juan initially joined HSO as a Service Delivery Manager. He moved into his current Solution Architect role when he and his manager recognized that his consultancy skills better suited that team. And that supportive encouragement and flexibility is something that Juan really values about HSO’s working culture. He believes that allowing team members the freedom to define their own path encourages a drive for success and a greater sense of job satisfaction.

Not surprisingly, he adds, “Once people are in the role that’s the right fit for them, they don’t leave.”

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Looking ahead to a bright future

The future continues to shine brightly for Juan as he continues his professional journey at HSO. With his ultimate goal of becoming an Enterprise Architect, he is determined to continue growing as a professional, expanding his technical knowledge and honing his strategic thinking. And we look forward to seeing him continue to share his experience with others along the way!

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