• Employee Story
  • Hannes van Heerden: A pathfinder of business possibilities at HSO International

A pathfinder of business possibilities at HSO International

Hannes joined HSO in 2020 in the role of Program Manager, and since then he's become the critical link that puts all HSO has to offer into a logical roadmap that transforms companies.

Hannes van Heerden
Program Manager | HSO International

“We have great products and a very international team, in an environment where you are free to pursue your aspirations and grow across the company.”

A pathfinder of business possibilities at HSO International

If you’re searching for the unexplored path to success, Hannes van Heerden won’t just point you in the right direction, he will take you all the way there. As an IT industry veteran with over 20 years of experience, Hannes has led from both the customer and the supplier perspectives. That’s why it’s no surprise that former colleagues and partners have described him as “one of a kind”, and a “servant leader” with “vision and the ability to rally teams to follow him in his quest.”

But in our 60 minutes with Hannes, he did not once credit himself for his achievements, but instead shifted attention to how teamwork makes it happen. This is one of his biggest strengths, and his colleagues agree: Hannes’ success comes from his sophisticated understanding of how to invest in people. Coupled with his personal passion for turning a company’s long-term goals into a digital grand strategy, Hannes makes the seemingly impossible a reality. Below, he shares his story and talks about what it takes to build teams that can truly transform how clients do business.

The intersection of business and technology

As a Program Manager at HSO International, Hannes is all about leveraging relationships to deliver game-changing solutions to businesses. But his role extends beyond the mere implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365. “My goal is to build trust by gaining an understanding of the customer's long-term vision,” he said, “so instead of just selling them technology, we can create a roadmap and a clear path to invest in a step-by-step digital transformation.”

Hannes acts as a central figure in large, complex projects, meticulously orchestrating various engagements that align with the customer's strategy.

HSO International

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“I am responsible for coordinating with all the project managers to ensure the team is structured efficiently, that we are using the right methodology, and that they have the environment they need to succeed.”

Hannes van Heerden Program Manager | HSO International

But Hannes delves even deeper into the solution. He strives to understand the technical intricacies of each project, collaborating with architects to ensure that the overall digital structure aligns with the customer's roadmap. “Many implementation partners only think about whether the technology alone achieves their client’s goals, but adoption is just as important,” he added. That’s why Hannes works with change managers to identify and facilitate the necessary organizational adjustments that support the client’s transformation process.

An environment that boosts innovation

Hannes will be the first to tell you that company culture is the key ingredient that allows it to create groundbreaking solutions for its clients, and HSO International strives to foster a culture of proactive innovators. On some projects, Hannes works with teams of up to 60 people, but everyone is synched to take every action with the customer in mind.

“What first struck me was the professionalism and the collaborative spirit within HSO,” he said. “The whole team works in unison to develop new capabilities and deliver more value to the customer, not just technical execution.”

While Hannes asserts that HSO International has a customer centric ethos, he also celebrates the internal environment.

“We have great products and a very international team, in an environment where you are free to pursue your aspirations and grow across the company,” he shared. “It’s a very uplifting culture.”

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Finding your own path

While Hannes gives his all for the success of his team and clients, he is always looking for ways to develop professionally. “I’m thinking of ways we can scale, grow our customer base, and apply technology in innovative ways,” Hannes said, “but I’m interested in managing and executing growth internally.” At HSO International pursuing your interests is encouraged, allowing him and others to choose their path.

To those looking for a challenging and rewarding environment, Hannes offers some advice. “You get a lot of energy from having customers who are professional and thirsty for growth, but also from having a cohesive team that is working towards the same goal,” he said. “If you are willing to work hard and get a huge return on investment, both personally and professionally, a place like HSO could be a good fit for you.”

Hannes' journey at HSO International exemplifies the commitment to excellence and customer-first attitude that sets our company apart. With his remarkable skills and unwavering dedication, he will continue to empower businesses and shape a brighter future for HSO and its customers, and we’ll be rooting for him.

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