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  • From Classroom to Conference room: How HSO's graduate program is shaping Sam's career

From Classroom to Conference room: How HSO's graduate program is shaping Sam's career

Sam Yeo began his journey with HSO through a graduate program, earning certifications and looking to work on various projects across a wide range of industries. Let's see what the future holds for Sam.

Sam Yeo
Graduate Consultant

What made you join HSO?

I think when doing my research prior to applying, you get the vibe that HSO does care about its people and the work that they do.

...also, the assessment day was a really big thing for me. Walking in and meeting directors, and really senior people like managing directors, who would give you their time and wanted to be there that day to meet people like myself, who had very little prior experience, was great.

How did you find the onboarding process?

I really enjoyed it - talking to people, getting to understand their backgrounds, and understanding ourselves as well. Being able to understand myself with insights to see where my strengths and weaknesses are, and which areas I am stronger in, was something I really enjoyed.

What were the challenges you faced?

Things that I was challenged by were, of course, the technical aspects. With my experience lacking a little bit in Dynamics, being able to understand the system and really drill down into it was something challenging, but enjoyable.

How did you find your initial foray into the business?

Yeah, I think what I’ve enjoyed is being able to talk to people at various levels and understand their experiences and expertise. Path sessions with Peter Sharpe, Director of Enterprise Architecture, HSO and Mike Stanbridge, Enterprise Architect, HSO recently have been great; they've been able to share so much about their expertise and give us so much time.

They have said, "If you need us, just book a meeting in the diary. We are always happy to take that time," and that is what I have loved. Being able to talk to people of different levels and everyone having time for you, even though we are brand new graduates with very little experience, is wonderful.

Even though we aren’t valuable to them at the moment in terms of a business perspective, they always wanted to give their time to help us develop, which is so lovely. It really makes you feel at home.

The best thing I can say for new starters is just talk to people.
Everyone is willing to give you their time, instead of saying they do not have the time at all, they’ll simply say right look at my calendar, find a time that works for us both, set it up and I will be there, and that’s great.

So being able to utilise that and make the most of it, if people are willing to give you their time, try and take it and learn from these skilled people in their expert areas and prospective people looking to join HSO.

Sam Yeo Graduate Consultant

What advice would you give yourself?

Personally, I have a little bit of a lack of experience in the working world, and that was something about which I was slightly worried.

Of course, having met people who are on the graduate scheme on the assessment day and seeing their experience, I understood that everyone is on a level playing field with the graduates.

We have not worked with Dynamics before, so being able to give yourself that confidence and say that you can do this, and knowing that you will be able to learn this, is important. Just have confidence in your abilities and your skills.

What are you looking forward to over the next few months?

Going into projects. I have now completed two certifications and have one left, so I am really looking forward to being able to work on projects in a different capacity.

Looking at things from a supply chain perspective or in various other ways, and being able to develop those skills in these different projects and areas, is something I am excited about.

HSO Graduate Programs

We have been running our graduate scheme for the past seven years recruiting and developing our graduates into business associates who have a real impact on the business and for our customers. Get to know how.

Graduate Programs

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