• Employee Story
  • Erika Haverkamp, master of all trades at HSO International

Meet Erika Haverkamp, master of all trades at HSO International

Always looking for challenges and balance, there is no challenge that Erika shy's away from.

Erika Haverkamp
HR Officer | HSO International

"HSO provides an environment with great cultural diversity and an open collaborative atmosphere."

Seizing the opportunity

You might wonder, then, why she stepped into a car on a Friday afternoon and drove to Amsterdam for an unexpected interview with HSO International. At the end of that meeting, she had made such a powerful impression on the hiring committee that she walked away with not just a new job, but a career that was a match for her drive and endless curiosity.

Erika was born and raised in the Netherlands, where at an early age she developed an entrepreneurial mindset and collaborative attitude. Today, she skilfully juggles her work as a Human Resources Officer, her marriage, two kids, and a dog. And yet, she still makes time to spend time with friends and family and clear her head in nature. But this story has humble roots that formed the basis for her rapid ascent to success.

Personal aspect of the culture

After a strong initial run, Erika was inspired by the personal aspect of the culture at HSO International. “Everyone is approachable. It’s an environment with great cultural diversity and an open atmosphere,” she said of her company. Erika realized she would love to contribute to the team that brings in talented and driven colleagues. She wants to strengthen a culture where “people are not a number, but valued team members with a family and personal life”.

“I’m glad I have the opportunity to take my career in a direction I am passionate about.” She added that she feels supported in wanting to grow into leadership positions within the company: “I have always gotten the professional development and mentoring I needed to succeed in new roles.”

HSO International

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"Fortunately, HSO International provides a safe environment for people to rebalance their priorities, so it’s really up to me to make sure I am getting the time I need for my family."

Erika Haverkamp HR Officer | HSO International

A new calling

In its early days, the company demanded unprecedented flexibility from Erika. She quickly became known as the go-to person to ensure business processes across the whole company were ironed out. This gave her a broad experience in projects, administration, and finance that would groom her for broader responsibility.

“Everything was new for the company and I was up for the challenge,” Erika says, “but management also believed in my ability and gave me the space to succeed in my work.”

She saw it as an opportunity to gain new knowledge, build towards reaching her goals, and add value on her own terms, encouraged by an environment where it was safe to take calculated risks.

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Inspiration for balance and success

While Erika has a bright professional future, she is also thoughtful about how it lines up with her personal values. “My family is very important to me, and sometimes it feels like my personal values clash with my work ethic,” she said.

“Fortunately, HSO International provides a safe environment for people to rebalance their priorities, so it’s really up to me to make sure I am getting the time I need for my family. I also draw inspiration from my mother, who always instilled in me the importance of family.”

Erika also looks up to the example of Mother Teresa, who embraced her duty as a way of helping others, and Michelle Obama, who she sees as an icon of confidence and a role model for balance between family and professional ambitions.

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