4. Realizing the business value

For those businesses that undergo modernization, the value of their initiative has an impact well beyond their ability to drive innovation. Let’s take a closer look at what can be achieved:

Reduced IT budgets

Aging IT hardware is not only draining on resources, but it can also make supporting operations efficiently an impossible task. Through IT modernization, businesses can cut budgets by optimizing hardware utilization and reducing costs related to licensing. By ensuring higher levels of IT security and performance, a reduction of unplanned outages can be achieved along with improvement in data protection. Modernizing enables enhanced team productivity and IT agility by improving procurement and delivery of IT resources. In addition, efficiency of IT teams can be increased by minimizing the time needed for daily IT infrastructure, security, and support work.

Minimized technical debt

Along with IT budgets, organizations that modernize are able to reduce technical debt. Research shows that, through IT modernization, businesses can significantly reduce technical debt. Where a large part of organizational debt could have been accrued from old, inefficient environments, adopting newer, modern systems and processes enables businesses to minimize revenue and productivity losses.

Improved IT staff efficiencies

Without IT modernization, teams tend to spend much more time on day-to-day operations such  as supporting, managing, and securing IT infrastructure. Managing siloed systems, along with having to respond more frequently to issues and outages, can result in insufficient security as well as IT operations inadequate for meeting customer demand. Modernizing enables staff to spend more time on more valuable projects and managers to better leverage the skillset of their teams.

Increased IT agility

Dated IT systems and processes can result in cumbersome operations that fail to meet the needs of a growing business. As strategies change, IT departments need to provide the resources required by the business and its customers. From storage to networking, communications to servers, outdated IT can hold back digital resource delivery to the business—impacting application development efforts. With an infrastructure that requires less staff time for faster delivery, organizations can roll out new features and functionality. Application development teams can create more value for the business, with more time to focus on innovating with higher quality.

Enhanced IT performance and security

Businesses that fail to upgrade their IT environments could face significant issues relating to IT performance and security. Modernizing IT not only minimizes the associated costs by enabling businesses to reduce unplanned outages, but it also decreases productivity expenses on average by 78% - and revenue loss by 59%.

Meanwhile, data protection initiatives can ensure a more robust environment, with better security  protocols that limit the risk involved in unplanned outages. As complex changes transform business and product consumption models, your organization needs to be able to carefully balance support and maintenance of legacy platforms with innovation.

HSO specializes in helping companies navigate that change. We have the expertise to modernize your  infrastructure and become more responsive to demand with faster release cycles, improved product  management, and agile development methodologies.

Investing in new technology has demonstrated business benefits as well as shortand long-term operational advantages.

While some organizations strive to achieve full digital transformation, others might simply need to modernize. Strategy should all come down to individual business objectives. In either case, investing in modern IT presents a wealth of potential advantages and new opportunities. A 2022 survey of companies and CEOs reported the following benefits: