The 8 potential dangers of Fabric implementation

Why migrate to Microsoft Fabric? And... is my organization ready to anticipate?

Why move to Microsoft Fabric?

Microsoft Fabric is a solution that can revolutionize data-driven work and data governance. You might be wondering: what is it, why should I use it, what are the risks and what can I do now to stay ahead of the curve?

The definition of Microsoft Fabric:

"Microsoft Fabric is an all-in-one enterprise analytics solution that covers everything from data governance, data movement to data science, Real-Time Analytics and business intelligence. It offers a comprehensive suite of services, including data lake, data engineering and data integration, all in one place. 

With Fabric, there is no need to merge different services from multiple vendors. Instead, you have an integrated, end-to-end, user-friendly product designed to simplify your analytics needs and manage data governance. The platform is built on a Software as a Service (SaaS) foundation, taking simplicity and integration to a whole new level."

Why should you start working with Microsoft Fabric now?

The goals and challenges that data professionals face every day are rising. The pressure to keep up as an organization is high, because if you don’t, your competitors will. By preparing yourself now for what is coming, you can avoid wasting valuable time.

Opportunities and challenges ahead

Microsoft Fabric is probably the best tool to help you get faster and better insights. Microsoft positions Fabric as the data platform for the era of AI. With Fabric, you will be able to:

  • Optimize existing processes by improving productivity, reducing risks or increasing customer satisfaction, among other things;
  • Accelerate innovation, develop new products and services, or even explore completely new business models.

Technology is also becoming more accessible to the business. This creates opportunities but also increases the risk of making wrong decisions.

8 Challenges ahead

Based on our expectations and experiences, we're sharing a checklist of themes you can start working on now to ensure a flying start in the future:

  1. Data Quality
  2. Organizational Silos
  3. Employee Expertise
  4. Privacy
  5. Security
  6. Technology
  7. Cultivating a Data-Driven Mindset in the Organization
  8. Strategy, Priorities, and Budgets
Person working at a desk and using technology

1. Insufficient Data Quality 

A common hurdle in unlocking the value of data is data quality. If the data is incomplete, inconsistent, or inaccurate, the analyses and decisions based on it can be incorrect or misleading. This can result in the loss of time, resources, and ultimately opportunities. With the advent of Microsoft Fabric, the need for data governance and quality becomes even more crucial. Without proper data governance, anyone can add data, posing an even greater risk of "Garbage in is garbage out."


Make data quality a prerequisite and prioritize it now. It remains the starting point, with or without the use of Microsoft Fabric. Invest in processes and resources that enforce and ensure data quality. This includes implementing data validation and cleansing mechanisms, establishing data standards, training employees in data integrity, and regularly monitoring data quality.

Example: Inventory management

Imagine a retail company aiming to optimize inventory management. They want to predict market demand for various products to optimize stock levels. However, it turns out that the sales data shows inconsistencies, such as missing sales figures and inconsistent product codes.

This leads to unreliable predictions, missed sales opportunities, or dealing with unnecessary stock. If data quality is at the desired level when implementing Microsoft Fabric, collecting valuable end-to-end insights quickly becomes straightforward.

2. Data and Organizational Silos

One common mistake is denying or being unaware of organizational silos. They emerge when different departments or teams within an organization work in isolation and do not share information effectively. Microsoft Fabric makes data sharing simpler, enabling better collaboration.


Breaking down organizational silos requires a cultural shift and a coordinated effort from all involved parties. Collaboration and knowledge sharing can be promoted by emphasizing the use of data as a common interest. This can be achieved through interdisciplinary teams, regular communication, setting joint objectives, and sharing data and insights across departments.

Example: Internal collaboration

Organizational silos exist in an installation company between customer service (front office) and the technical department (back office). The front office receives numerous complaints about a specific product, but there is limited communication and knowledge sharing with the back office, resulting in unresolved issues.

To address this challenge, the company initiates efforts to improve collaboration between back office and front office employees. This includes sharing relevant customer information, service messages, and product features, all collected in a Lakehouse. The sooner you start, the sooner it becomes clear which information should be prioritized for sharing, ultimately creating value and increasing customer satisfaction.

3. Insufficient Knowledge

With Microsoft Fabric, the nature of work will shift from the technical domain to the business domain. Therefore, employees with the right analytical skills are needed. It's possible that the skills of current employees may not align with those required in the future.


Invest in the development of employees' skills. This can be accomplished through training, workshops, mentoring, and attracting new talent with the desired skills. Ensure that employees are prepared at the very least.

People working together at a table in an office

Example: Recruitment

A Staffing Agency aims to improve its recruitment process. They realize that their current team has limited analytical skills and is unfamiliar with leveraging insights from data.

To overcome this obstacle, they organize internal training sessions and workshops to educate their employees in data analysis and the practical application of insights. External experts assist in adopting new skills and changing mindsets. This enables the company to effectively use Microsoft Fabric directly in the future.

4. Privacy measures

Privacy laws and regulations impose strict requirements on the collection, storage, and use of personal data. Non-compliance with these measures can lead to legal issues, financial losses, and damage to reputation. Without proper governance, anyone can add and access data from Microsoft Fabric, resulting in data becoming accessible in places where it shouldn't be.


It is crucial to be aware of relevant privacy laws, such as Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Measures must be taken to ensure compliance with these requirements. This includes implementing appropriate security and data protection measures, obtaining user consent for data collection and usage, and carefully managing the data that is collected.

Example: Customer experience

An online retailer wants to utilize customer's personal data for targeted marketing campaigns. Privacy measures are applied by encrypting customer data, implementing strict access controls, and conducting anonymized analyses.

The company informs customers about data collection and provides opt-out options. Advertisements are personalized with minimal sensitive data, and data retention periods are limited. This way, customer privacy is ensured, and the company builds trust for an ethical and secure shopping environment. Having a solid privacy policy in place makes it easier to implement Microsoft Fabric and leverage its marketing opportunities.

5. Lack of Proper Security

Security is just as crucial as privacy for a successful data-driven organization. Insufficient control over security measures and protections will result in data breaches.


Implementation of security measures to protect data. This includes access control, monitoring system activities, and regularly updating security protocols. Additionally, it is advisable to promote awareness and provide training on security practices among employees.

Example: Fraud detection

A financial institution aims to use data analysis to detect fraudulent activities. To do so, the institution collects and processes sensitive data.

Due to this, there is a focus on security measures, with strict access control to the data and monitoring of suspicious activities. The institution also invests in training to ensure that employees are aware of security principles. These measures can be taken before the implementation of Microsoft Fabric.

6. Inadequate technical capabilities 

The absence of appropriate technological capabilities can be an immediate obstacle to effectively harnessing data. However, the choices you make now can also hinder scalability in the future.


It is essential to make well-considered choices when implementing Microsoft Fabric. This includes phasing out existing systems, developing the right data products, establishing a robust data infrastructure, or efficiently leveraging cloud solutions. All of these actions should be taken in a way that ensures you won't be surprised by extremely high Microsoft Azure consumption costs in the future.

7. Resistance to change to a data-driven organization 

A lack of a data-driven mindset can lead to resistance to change, a lack of trust in data, and a constant reliance on intuition in decision-making.


Develop a data-driven mindset within your organization. It's essential to emphasize this, launch educational initiatives, promote data literacy, and celebrate successes based on data. Leadership should set the right example and encourage decision-making based on facts and insights. Additionally, it's crucial to foster a culture where employees have the freedom to experiment and learn.

Example: How to adopt analytical thinking?

A traditional marketing company wants to base decision-making on data rather than intuition. To achieve this, they organize workshops and training sessions that promote change and help adopt analytical thinking. Measurable KPIs and rewards then underscore the importance of data-driven decision-making.

As a result, the mindset within the company changes, and decisions are made based on data. People are prepared to work with Microsoft Fabric.

8.Insufficient Strategic Alignment

Discussions about priorities and budgets can lead to conflicts between different departments and suboptimal allocation of resources.


Ensure there is a sponsor within the leadership team. This individual advocates for determining data priorities, assists in making choices, and allocating budgets. The process should be transparent, involving all stakeholders and allowing for discussion and alignment. The goal is to achieve a common understanding and consensus.

Knowledge and resources

Why Microsoft Fabric? Read more!

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To prevent the above-mentioned pitfalls, a holistic approach to Fabric is crucial. Invest in ensuring data quality and governance in a timely manner, break down organizational silos, develop employees' skills, comply with privacy regulations, and implement necessary security measures. Also, make sure you have the right technological capabilities, so you are well-prepared and can make a strong start with Microsoft Fabric!

Are you ready to make Fabric a success? Then connect with us! Our team is ready to help.

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