Misslungene CRM-Implementierungen sind leider keine Seltenheit. Nach Angaben von Gartner und anderen Marktforschungsunternehmen scheitern etwa 70 % aller CRM-Implementierungen. Ein Grund für die hohe Misserfolgsquote könnte sein, dass viele Unternehmen spezielle Anforderungen haben, die von den meisten gewöhnlichen CRM-Systemen nicht bewältigt werden können.
Dabei sind die Begriffe „Erfolg“ und „Misserfolg“ selbstverständlich subjektiver Natur, denn was das eine Unternehmen als eine erfolgreiche CRM-Implementierung ansieht, kann sich von der Meinung eines anderen unterscheiden. Dennoch gibt es bestimmte allgemeingültige Faktoren, anhand derer der Erfolg der CRM-Plattform und -Implementierung gemessen werden kann. Indem Sie jeden dieser Faktoren berücksichtigen, können auch Sie den Erfolg Ihres CRM-Systems besser einschätzen. Zudem können diese Faktoren Ihnen auch bei der Entscheidungsfindung helfen, wenn die Umstellung auf ein neues CRM-System notwendig wird.
Wichtig ist, dass ein einziger negativer oder positiver Faktor oft nicht über den Erfolg oder Misserfolg eines CRM-Systems entscheidet. Stattdessen sollten Sie alle Aspekte berücksichtigen, um den Erfolg Ihres aktuellen Systems zu beurteilen oder die Einführung einer neuen Plattform zu bewerten.
Zunächst einmal sollten Sie die wichtigsten Faktoren ermitteln, die für den CRM-Erfolg Ihres Unternehmens verantwortlich sind
CRM-Systeme sollten Ihre Arbeit erleichtern. Wie bereits erwähnt, tun sie dies in 70 % der Fälle jedoch nicht, weil nicht alle für Ihre Branche ausgelegt sind. Wie steht es um Ihr CRM-System? Folgende Fragen sollten Sie sich stellen:
Wir und Dritte verwenden Cookies auf unserer Website. Wir verwenden Cookies, um Statistiken zu führen, Ihre Präferenzen zu speichern, aber auch für Marketingzwecke (z. B. maßgeschneiderte Werbung). Durch Klicken auf „Einstellungen“ können Sie mehr über unsere Cookies erfahren und Ihre Präferenzen anpassen. Indem Sie auf „Alle akzeptieren“ klicken, stimmen Sie der Verwendung aller Cookies zu, wie in unserer Privacy und Cookie policy beschrieben.
This cookie is used to store your preferences regarding cookies. The history is stored in your local storage.
Location of Processing
European Union
Technologies Used
Expiration date
1 year
Why required?
Required web technologies and cookies make our website technically accessible to and usable for you. This applies to essential base functionalities such as navigation on the website, correct display in your internet browser or requesting your consent. Without these web technologies and cookies our website does not work.
These cookies are stored to keep you logged into the website.
Location of Processing
European Union
Technologies Used
Expiration date
1 year
Why required?
Required web technologies and cookies make our website technically accessible to and usable for you. This applies to essential base functionalities such as navigation on the website, correct display in your internet browser or requesting your consent. Without these web technologies and cookies our website does not work.
This cookie is used to submit forms to us in a safe way.
Location of Processing
European Union
Technologies Used
Expiration date
1 year
Why required?
Required web technologies and cookies make our website technically accessible to and usable for you. This applies to essential base functionalities such as navigation on the website, correct display in your internet browser or requesting your consent. Without these web technologies and cookies our website does not work.
This service provided by Google is used to load specific tags (or trackers) based on your preferences and location.
Why required?
This web technology enables us to insert tags based on your preferences. It is required but adheres to your settings and will not load any tags if you do not consent to them.
This cookie is used to store your preferences regarding language.
Why required?
We use your browser language to determine which language to show on our website. When you change the default language, this cookie makes sure your language preference is persistent.
This service provided by uMarketingSuite is used to track anonymized analytics on the HSO.com application. We find it very important that your privacy is protected. Therefore, we collect and store this data anonymously on our own servers. This cookie helps us collect data from HSO.com so that we can improve the website. Examples of this are: it allows us to track engagement by page, measuring various events like scroll-depth, time on page and clicks.
With your consent, this website will load Google Analytics to track behavior across the site.
With your consent, this website will load the Google Advertising tag which enables HSO to report user activity from HSO.com to Google. This enables HSO to track conversions and create remarketing lists based on user activity on HSO.com.
Possible cookies
Please refer to the below page for an updated view of all possible cookies that the Google Ads tag may set.
Cookie information for Google's ad products (safety.google)
Technologies Used
With your consent, we use IPGeoLocation to retrieve a country code based on your IP address. We use this service to be able to trigger the right web technologies for the right people.
With your consent, we use Leadfeeder to identify companies by their IP-addresses. Leadfeeder automatically filters out all users visiting from residential IP addresses and ISPs. All visit data is aggregated on the company level.
With your consent, this website will load the LinkedIn Insights tag which enables us to see analytical data on website performance, allows us to build audiences, and use retargeting as an advertising technique. Learn more about LinkedIn cookies here.
With your consent, this website will load the Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking tag which enables HSO to report user activity from HSO.com to Microsoft Advertising. HSO can then create conversion goals to specify which subset of user actions on the website qualify to be counted as conversions. Similarly, HSO can create remarketing lists based on user activity on HSO.com and Microsoft Advertising matches the list definitions with UET logged user activity to put users into those lists.
Technologies Used
With your consent, this website will load the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing tag which enables HSO to score leads based on your level of interaction with the website. The cookie contains no personal information, but does uniquely identify a specific browser on a specific machine. Learn more about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing cookies here.
Technologies Used
With your consent, we use Spotler to measures more extensive recurring website visits based on IP address and draw up a profile of a visitor.
Technologies Used
With your consent, this website will show videos embedded from Vimeo.
Technologies Used
With your consent, this website will show videos embedded from Youtube.
Technologies Used
With your consent, this website will load the Meta-pixel tag which enables us to see analytical data on website performance, allows us to build audiences, and use retargeting as an advertising technique through platforms owned by Meta, like Facebook and Instagram. Learn more about Facebook cookies here. You can adjust how ads work for you on Facebook here.
With your consent, we use LeadInfo to identify companies by their IP-addresses. LeadInfo automatically filters out all users visiting from residential IP addresses and ISPs. These cookies are not shared with third parties under any circumstances.
With your consent, we use TechTarget to identify companies by their IP address(es).
With your consent, we use this service provided by uMarketingSuite to run A/B tests across the HSO.com application. A/B testing (also called split testing) is comparing two versions of a web page to learn how we can improve your experience.
With your consent, we use this service provided by uMarketingSuite to personalize pages and content across the HSO.com application. Personalization helps us to tailor the website to your specific needs, aiming to improve your experience on HSO.com.