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  • Realizing the benefits of connected services

Customer demands and expectations are on the rise. How to get to the benefits of connected services?

01 Feb, 2023

Most companies are aware of the potential benefits of connected services. They boost uptime, enhance efficiency, and improve resiliency. And think of optimizing service operations, more first-time-fix, enabling predictive maintenance, improving customer satisfaction and not to forget decreasing operational costs.

However, integrating connected services can be complex. Common challenges twe see at our customers are for example:

  • Integrating disconnected legacy products and systems
  • Eliminating data silos
  • Balancing workforce bandwidth with the need for analyses and insights
  • Finding the right technology to introduce new process improvements
From the Microsoft "Global State of Customer Service", 2020

Customer experiences are driving loyalty and churn

Dynamics 365 offers the platform capabilities to unlock new revenue streams and new levels of service

With connected services in Dynamics 365 companies for example:

  • Generate new income from services enabled through connected products
  • Provide predictive maintenance that increases uptime for products and saves costs associated with parts and labor
  • Obtain new data that easily integrates with relevant systems and apps
  • Optimize your supply chain to ensure your field technicians have the right parts based on the repairs they’re making
  • Complete repairs/maintenance on the first visit with the right parts and the right technician who knows how to do the repair
Connecting assets within their company and their products outside of it

Manufacturers are responding to customers by going digital

(Results from IoT Signals Manufacturing Spotlight, August 2022 and the 2021 "State of Manufacturing Report,” Fictiv)

Having an experienced partner like HSO working with Microsoft can accelerate your time to value

HSO has a vast experience in manufacturing, driving better business results by accelerating the impact of digital transformation. We have done it before. Our solution architects support you in building a digital roadmap, getting you where you want to go, minimizing risk and creating more time to value.

Learn how HSO helped MPS to take the next step in IoT applications

"What we liked about the cooperation is that HSO has several disciplines in house and therefore serves a broad playing field, also in terms of technology,"

Rob Nijland, Manager ICT and Software Engineering

MPS Systems

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