• Customer Case
  • Manufacturing Modernization: MicroMetl's Path to Real-Time Data, Enhanced Customer Experience, and Innovation with HSO and Microsoft

Manufacturing Modernization: MicroMetl's Path to Data-Centric Decision Making, Enhanced Customer Experience and Innovation with HSO and Microsoft

Digital transformation fueled by 3 concurrent projects involving Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (ERP), and Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CRM), and a robust Data & Analytics Strategy leveraging HSO's DnA Framework for Microsoft Azure, Fabric and Synapse.

About MicroMetl

MicroMetl is the largest independent manufacturer of accessories for commercial heating and cooling equipment, supplying all major OEMs across North America. With three locations in Indiana, Texas, and Nevada, MicroMetl manufactures HVAC components such as economizers, curbs, and hoods from raw steel. Family-owned, MicroMetl is committed to innovation and customer satisfaction, continually adapting to market demands to provide top-quality products and services.

Overcoming Operational Inefficiencies by Consolidating 40+ Disparate Systems and Unifying Data Across 3 Facilities

MicroMetl faced challenges in maximizing capacity due to over 40 disparate systems and processes across three facilities. Plant managers lacked visibility of real-time production data, impeding informed decision-making. Transitioning from AX 2012 to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations and standardizing data across all their locations, MicroMetl aims to eliminate 98% of external systems, shifting from a reactive to a proactive approach. The integration of Dynamics 365 CE will improve synergy in customer service and sales, enhance win/loss analysis, and increase lead time accuracy. These improvements will enable MicroMetl to innovate and meet evolving customer demands, fostering sustained growth in the industry.

What set HSO apart for us is their background in manufacturing and strategic operations, and being able to not only do the finance and operations portion of the ERP project, but to also bring in the data analytics, customer experience, and really tie all three of those major projects together simultaneously.

Zack Ledford Systems Automation Officer, MicroMetl

Support for the Entire Organization, Laying the Foundation for Future Success

Recognizing the need for a comprehensive digital transformation with a unified data platform, MicroMetl partnered with HSO, leveraging their expertise in manufacturing and strategic operations. HSO is delivering solution fueled by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (ERP), and Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CRM), a robust Data & Analytics Strategy leveraging HSO's DnA Framework for the adoption of Microsoft Azure, Fabric and Synapse.

Benefits to Come:

  • 1

    Real-time Analytics

    MicroMetl gains the capability to generate real-time reports and analytics, providing a view into the true capacity of the plant. This will empower them to make proactive decisions on the shop floor regarding financial and logistical performance.

  • 2

    Enhanced Customer Experience

    By integrating Dynamics CE, MicroMetl can offer more accurate lead times as well as the option for customers to self-serve, leading to increased customer satisfaction. They will also be able to deeply analyze quotes, allowing for better understanding of why or why not they won a sale.

  • 3

    Data Standardization

    Streamlining MicroMetl's processes will ensure consistency and accuracy in data across the organization allowing for future scalability and improved operational efficiency.

  • 4

    Scalability and Innovation

    MicroMetl will be able to respond swiftly to market demands by increasing the level of automation in their factory, increasing capacity, and improving their ability to swiftly get more products out the door.

Why MicroMetl Chose to Partner with HSO

Recognizing the need for digital transformation with a unified data platform, MicroMetl evaluated several Microsoft partners and chose HSO for our expertise in manufacturing and strategic operations. HSO's ability to concurrently implement Dynamics 365 finance and operations, Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, and a data standardization project was crucial. MicroMetl values HSO no only for our past experience, but also for our forward-looking approach.

I believe that HSO is the best partner to take us into this future, not only for their past experience, they are in fact focused on the future. They see where we are conceptually going and then they're going to apply the technology and platforms to where we need to be in the future.

Brandon Schultz VP & CIO, MicroMetl

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Modernizing your Manufacturing Operations