Empower Your Organization's Future with HSO's AI Briefing

Engage with experts, uncover potential, and shape your AI adoption journey for success

Unlock the AI revolution across industries

AI's pervasive influence spans industries, transcending business sizes and models. Reports reveal that today, half of visionary leaders harness AI's potential, reaping benefits from agility to efficiency, customer engagement to cost-effectiveness, and beyond.

If you find yourself among the intrigued but uncertain, rest assured, you're not alone. In a rapidly evolving AI landscape, distinguishing between reality and marketing buzz can be perplexing, while questions about safety and stability loom large. How can you confidently quantify the value AI brings? 

Expert insights: Navigating AI's uncharted terrain

With HSO's AI Briefing, our business and AI experts will:

  • Provide you with a better understanding of AI
  • Discuss the advantages and benefits of AI adoption
  • Compare different types of AI
  • Determine where you are on the AI "maturity scale"

In just a few hours, you'll acquire insight into essential concepts, which will empower you to confidently advance in your AI adoption journey, formulate an adoption plan, and commence reaping the rewards.

We're committed to helping you discover AI's role in your organization, whether it's enhancing products or refining customer interactions.

Why Microsoft's AI technology leads the way

There are a variety of tools and platforms to enable generative AI, so how do you know which is best? Here's why we offer and recommend Microsoft technology:

Integrated everywhere: Microsoft's AI tool, Copilot, seamlessly integrates across the entire Microsoft ecosystem, encompassing Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365 (Office), Power Platform, security, and GitHub. No additional tool purchases or integrations required.

Trustworthy and secure: Microsoft prioritizes security and integrity, offering robust enterprise compliance and security controls to safeguard your data. Your data remains yours; it isn't utilized to train foundational AI models.

Seamless adaptation: Copilot eliminates the need for a learning curve—leveraging AI's capabilities doesn't demand new tools or interfaces. It's seamlessly embedded within the tools you're already comfortable using.


Why choose HSO for your AI needs?

Once you have a better understanding of AI and its potential and are ready to build an adoption plan and begin deploying it, HSO is ready. Here’s why:

Get your AI journey started with an AI Briefing

With our engagement on AI readiness, you can begin planning and implementing your AI strategy, producing generative AI solutions that can facilitate smart decision making, accelerate productivity, and reduce costs, giving you the competitive advantage and paving the way for transformative business models. Start your AI journey with HSO today.

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