Self-Service Portals for State and Local Government Departments of Revenue

Streamline interactions with vendors and more using affordable, customizable self-service portals

Overcoming Challenges in Tax Administration with Self-Service Portals

State and local departments of revenue face big challenges in efforts to effectively manage tax collection and administration, including:

  • Staying compliant with complex and frequently changing laws and tax codes
  • Ensuring data privacy and security
  • Accurately predicting revenues to inform budgets and financial planning
  • Expanding and improving online services to serve employees, vendors, and other stakeholders
  • Coordinating with other agencies to ensure consistent application of tax laws and policies across jurisdictions
  • Adapting to changes in the economy, policy shifts at the state or federal level, and the impact of tax incentives and exemptions on revenue
  • Maintaining transparency and accountability to gain public trust that the tax system is fair and equitable

Addressing these challenges may seem daunting, but an effective solution to consider is the implementation of self-service portals. These portals can streamline processes by reducing reliance on manual methods, paper, emails, and phone calls. By providing an efficient and user-friendly platform, self-service portals can improve service delivery and enhance overall operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Introducing HSO's Portal Solution for State and Local Government Departments of Revenue

Until now, portals with this level of functionality were cost-prohibitive, requiring custom development. Through the power of low-code technology, getting a portal that will transform the way you operate for those you serve is now a reality.

HSO's Portal Solution for State and Local Government Departments of Revenue revolutionizes the way you interact with your external stakeholders. With this powerful solution, you can greatly reduce or even eliminate clunky spreadsheets, overflowing email boxes, and time-consuming phone calls. Portals can assist with:

Why Microsoft Power Pages for Portal Development?

Microsoft Power Pages is a secure, low-code platform for rapidly creating, hosting, and administering external-facing business websites. Power Pages provides rich, customizable templates, a fluid visual experience through the design studio, and an integrated learning hub to quickly build sites for your unique business needs.

With Power Pages, we can build your portal using shared business data stored in Microsoft Dataverse, making it the ideal tool for creating sophisticated portals that rely on data from multiple sources, both internal and external.

"This transformation has significantly reduced manual processing of tax forms. Previously, it could take one to three days to provide feedback to vendors, while today, that same process can take as little as a few hours."

Virginia Neslein IT Project Manager, Alabama Department of Revenue 

AI-Driven Bots via Microsoft Copilot Studio

AI-driven bots are an optional but incredibly powerful component of comprehensive portals, providing users with an on-demand resource to answer specific questions. With Microsoft Copilot Studio, we build intelligent bots that answer user questions but also go deeper, searching relevant data sources for additional information.

Questions or Ready to Get Started? Contact Us

Are you ready to take advantage of today's technology for self-service portals that will transform the way you interact and drive efficiencies? With Microsoft Power Pages and portal expertise, coupled with our deep experience working with state and local government entities, HSO can help you realize your portal vision quickly and cost-effectively.

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