BizTalk Server to Azure Integration Services

Room for innovation through integration in the cloud

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Why switch now?

Organisations that still (partly) run data & application integrations on BizTalk Server are increasingly at a disadvantage. BizTalk Server is a legacy technology of which knowledge and solid support are diminishing. It can no longer move along in an ecosystem in which flexibility, scalability and innovation are fundamental to the IT strategy. Switching to cloud-native integration technology is a must.

End of support for BizTalk 2020

Inspirational session Integration strategy

Responding flexibly to current issues within your organization requires a modern IT landscape, with sufficient capacity. Azure Integration Services offers possibilities that go considerably further than what BizTalk Server has to offer. Integration requests grow with the increase in cloud solutions and AI. During an inspiration session we will show, among other things, what the role of integration is within your organization and what impact it can have on a Data & AI strategy.

Cloud-native integration is necessary in an IT strategy for:

  • Data-driven ambitions
  • AI adoption in infusion
  • A Best of Breed Ecosystem
  • Build & Buy strategies
  • Optimisation and innovation
  • Business Agility
  • Being an attractive, innovative employer
    for IT talent
  • Differentiate and lead in competitive

HSO: the integration specialist in Microsoft technology

We have over 15 years of experience in implementing and managing integration platforms on BizTalk and Azure. We are uniquely positioned to show you – in addition to integration – all the possibilities and benefits of the Microsoft Cloud in combination with the entire IT landscape of your organisation. Let us inspire you during an integration strategy session!

  • One partner for the Microsoft Cloud
  • 15 years of experience in the field of integration
  • Close ties with Microsoft product teams
  • AI-infused solutions for efficiency and insights
  • Global leader op Azure Integration Services
  • 50 HSO integration specialists in the Netherlands, more than 100 worldwide

Request an inspiration session!

We provide the integration platform for innovative ecosystems and enable our customers to become more data-driven. Curious about what this looks like within your organization? We are happy to help you.

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Learn more about Azure Cloud Services and Integrations