AI Briefing for Asset Management

Engage with industry experts to shape your AI journey

Discover what AI can do for your asset management firm

Al has taken every facet of society by storm, and asset management is no exception. Many visionary leaders today are already harnessing Al's potential throughout every aspect of the business. You might be intrigued but uncertain about how to incorporate Al--and therefore, tempted to hold off doing anything for now. But make no mistake; Al adoption is inevitable in asset management and will happen at a rapid pace. Firms that don't adapt will be left behind.

How Al benefits asset management firms

Discover Al's role in your asset management firm--from enhancing products to refining customer interactions--so you can develop your plan and prepare for AI adoption.

Three people reviewing a financial chart

Data you can trust: The cornerstone of a successful Al strategy

With Al, having mature and trustworthy data is essential. After all, Al depends on data.

According to a Gartner study, nearly 80 percent of Al projects do not go to production, often due to poor data quality.

Before you press "go" on Al, you need to make sure your data is clean, organized, and secure to avoid incorrect or misleading results, a risk that is unacceptable in any business where large financial transactions are the norm.

We can help establish your data-driven foundation with HSO's DnA Framework for Data, Al, and Analytics, our suite of offerings designed to drive digital transformation and growth. Regardless of your current data state, our data and analytics experts will help you modernize it-devising your data strategy, designing and implementing an enterprise data platform, and activating your data.

Learn about our DnA Framework

Microsoft's AI technology: Head and shoulders above the rest

There are a variety of tools and platforms to enable generative AI, so how do you know which is best? Here's why we work with Microsoft technology:

Integrated everywhere: Microsoft's AI seamlessly integrates across the entire Microsoft ecosystem, encompassing Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365 (Office), Power Platform, security, and GitHub.

Trustworthy and secure: Microsoft prioritizes security and integrity, offering robust enterprise compliance and security controls to safeguard your data. Your data remains yours; it isn't utilized to train foundational AI models.

Seamless adaptation: Copilot eliminates the need for a learning curve—leveraging AI's capabilities doesn't demand new tools or interfaces. It's seamlessly embedded within the tools you're already comfortable using.


Why choose HSO for AI?

Once you have a better understanding of AI and its potential and are ready to build an adoption plan and begin deploying it, HSO is ready. Here’s why:

Get your AI journey started with an AI Briefing

Al has immense potential, but its successful implementation requires a well-thought-out approach. With an Al Briefing, you'll be on the right track to begin planning and implementing your Al strategy, producing generative Al solutions that can facilitate smart decision-making, accelerate productivity, and reduce costs, paving the way for transformation.

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Resources for Asset Management firms

Learn more about our experience in the Asset Management industry