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  • TCCI's Global Data Consolidation Journey: Uniting 5 ERP Systems Across 11 Countries

TCCI's Global Data Consolidation Journey: Uniting 5 ERP Systems Across 11 Countries

From Complexity to Cohesion with HSO

In a rapidly evolving manufacturing landscape, TCCI, a global leader in compressor technology, embarked on a transformative journey to enhance efficiency and sustainability. Facing the challenge of outdated, siloed Microsoft ERP systems across 11 countries, TCCI partnered with HSO, a global solutions expert, to initiate a phased implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365.

The Need for Consolidation

TCCI recognized the importance of consolidating data for a unified view of global operations. With a focus on sustainability and zero emissions, the company aimed to streamline processes, improve inventory management, and gain comprehensive visibility across its supply chain.

Strategic Steps for Global Impact

Rather than opting for a one-size-fits-all approach, TCCI strategically approached the implementation, opting for smaller, more manageable steps. HSO played a crucial role in supporting TCCI's evolution by providing an agile and scalable cloud data warehouse platform. This allowed TCCI to accelerate its data journey, maximize return on investment, and pave the way for future ERP enhancements.

Data Standardization and Cleansing

TCCI's collaboration with HSO resulted in the creation of data pipelines from five ERP systems into a centralized Azure Data Lake. This not only standardized financial data but also improved overall supply chain visibility. The implementation highlighted areas for further improvement, setting the stage for continued data standardization and cleansing efforts.

The project's initial phase has significantly impacted TCCI's financial management processes. The newly implemented data warehouse facilitates data-driven supply decisions, risk mitigation, increased financial efficiencies, and improved forecasting for resource allocations and expansion opportunities.

The Role of a Modern Data Foundation

Carrie Young, Global IT Manager at TCCI, stresses the importance of a modern data foundation in digital transformation. She advises business leaders to focus on measured, strategic steps rather than seeking a "magic bullet" solution. A robust data foundation not only influences data accessibility but also enhances the performance of key applications like ERP systems.

HSO's Key Role

Young acknowledges HSO's critical role in the success of the implementation. HSO served as key advisors, accelerating the process, and providing access to new technologies. TCCI's strategic partnership with HSO reflects a commitment to sustainable growth and value addition to customers, addressing immediate challenges while preparing for a comprehensive global ERP solution in the future.

TCCI's journey towards a global Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementation signifies a dedication to staying ahead in a dynamic industry. The collaboration with HSO, marked by strategic steps and a focus on data excellence, sets the stage for continued success, sustainability, and enhanced customer value.

Customer Case

Manufacturing Success: TCCI Selects HSO for a Global Data Platform Initiative, Consolidating Data from Five ERP Systems into Microsoft Azure

A global compressor tech leader partners with HSO for an agile, scalable cloud data warehouse and analytics framework, enabling advanced analytics and enhanced decision making

Read the Case Study


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